February 9th  Noon-4pm

Queensbury Location-294 Quaker Rd Queensbury NY 12804

Preorders for Farrell’s Fish Isopods and Clever Carnivores Pings are available

Clever Carnivores

  • Preorder “Ping Rock Kit” — contact Bill Schwartz   518-472-0349 or contact@clevercombat.com
    • Includes Pumice Rock, Calcined clay and pumice base mix, Pinguicula(min 3), and the option to add on fluval stratum and sphagnum moss plugs.
    • Base price for preorder is $65. Day of show price is $80

Farrell’s Fish and More

  •  Preorder “Isopod 6qt setup with choice of isopod” — contact them on facebook HERE to preorder
    • Pricing varies by variety of isopod
    • Isopods available: Gestroi, Zebra, Peach, Caramel, Dip N Dots, Perracae, Papayas, Glacier, Dairy Cows, Rubber Duckies, Cappuccinos, Orange Dalmations, Dwarf Whites, Panda Kings, Magic Potions, Clowns, Lavas, Platin Tung Song, Purple Ghosts, Pak Chongs, Shiro Utsuri, Punta Cana, Ember Bees and Green Spots
    • Add ons available: Isopod substrate, urchin shells, magnolia leaves and pods, coconut huts, live moss, sphagnum moss, isopod stickers, isopod feeding dishes, isopod 6qt setups, cork bark and hardwood

ALSO, lots of plants from exotic to everyday and everything in between. We will have the perfect plant to add to your home whter you are a beginner or an expert. Free door prizes, special deals and MUCH MUCH more….   We hope to see you there. 


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