I applied annual grub control in early July and watered it in good. We also had heavy rain shortly after so I am confident that the grub control got down into the soil. I noticed over the past couple of weeks that portions of my lawn feel “squishy” and appear raised in spots. I am pretty sure I got the grubs, but are there other insects that cold have survived the grub control? I haven’t noticed the lawn being dug up by skunks etc like in past years. I think something (moles etc) may be at work. What do you recommend? Thanks.
Getting rid of grubs doesn’t get rid of moles. Moles were around and eating earthworms long before Japanese Beetle grubs arrived in the late 1940s. Moles are best dealt with by an application of MoleMax mole repellent in early September. This is the time when young moles are driven from their mother’s burrow to find a unique territory of their own. Moles are solitary and highly territorial. MoleMax makes the soil unappealing to them and they won’t dig in it. MoleMax is also effective against chipmunks and all burrowing rodents.