Garter snake question. I have a covered pile of rocks (1 to 2″) in the back yard, left over from a previous project. We decided to keep them so we could use them for under the slab of a garage we’re putting up in that spot. The problem is that snakes have taken up residence in there. I’m OK with that, but when the machines come in, it won’t be good for the snakes. Anybody have any ideas so that I can both get my garage AND save the snakes? The yard isn’t that big, so yes, it has to go there in that spot. I hope you have some ideas.

You don’t say when the garage is going to be built but I’d suggest moving the rocks elsewhere now so the snakes have to find somewhere else to go so they won’t be injured by a sudden (to them) construction project.  If your construction starts when it is cold, the snakes will be holed up hibernating and won’t escape.  You want to induce them to move before cold weather arrives.

We do sell a snake repellent but I’ve never used it so I can speak to its effectiveness.


Also, good for you for caring about the snakes.  They do eat lots of mice and other disease carrying rodents.

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