Hello and I am so pleased to see this venue to ask my question.I have a 56 or 57 yr.old Rhodonendum and the last bit of Winter got it.Never knew about any kind of spray that I could have sprayed on the leaves…now I know about it! I did have to cut a lot of dead branches away,and there was only 3 blooms this year. I do not know the life span of the Rhododendrom? & should I contemplate taking this plant out it is over 7 feet high and there is new growth at ground level…..will the dead leaves come back?If you could give me some direction here I would appreciate it greatly.Thank you very much.Sybil Schwartzbach (gr8hndz4u@ gmail.com)
This has been the “question of the year” for 2014. HERE’S a blog post all about what happened and what you can do to help your rhododendron recover. I’d try and save them since rhodos have a very long lifespan.