Hello this question concerns mushrooms growing in lawn, after having a oak tree cut down., The stump was ground to a little below lawn level,. I now have an abundance of brown mushrooms growing in clusters all over the area,.What can I use to get rid of or cure this? I know the tree trunk and limbs underground are rotting, and creating this, but it is a mess when mowing the lawn,My email is ditzyd72154@aol.com Thank you,

The mushrooms will come and go when conditions (soil moisture and temperature) are favorable for them.  Since the mushrooms are just the fruiting body of the fungus that is actually below the surface, there really isn’t a permanent solution.  Feeding with a high nitrogen lawn food can hinder them but I’d not suggest that this late in October since it may be detrimental to the lawn.  Monitoring the area and “walking down” the mushrooms before they get large enough to produce spore can also limit them.

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