(Help!) Thanks for all the educational online info. I’m trying to restore a lawn that was neglected for far too long. After recently applying much weed killer, I’m left with many bare spots and some dead grass on a sandy/sunny front lawn in Ballston Lake. The pH level is currently 6.0. I want to apply lime in the next few days (late July) to bring the pH up to 7.0, then plan to scatter seed at about mid-Sept. After reading about making sure to get the lime deep, I’m wondering whether I should just roto-till everything after applying the lime. What would you recommend?If roto-tilling would be best, have you any helpful tips about how to avoid buried cables whose approximate locations are known?Many thanks!

For the lawn, a surface application will be fine especially since your pH is close at 6.0  40 lbs. of pelletized lime per 1,000 sq ft should do the trick.  I’d suggest our Super Sandy Grass Seed Blend whether or not you have sandy soil…it is great in any soil.  It is a blend of grasses that can put roots 2′ deep into the soil making it very hardy and drought resistant once it is established.   Keep the seed moist the entire time it is sprouting and getting established and use a good starter food…the best is our own Country Estate Winterizer/seed starter.    Your plan and timing sound good.

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