Hi, I have 4 plumeria plants that I purchased in Epcot, they are all growing with nice green leaves but I’ve noticed little fleas in the soil. I’ve tried loosening the soil and irrigating the mix but nothing seems to work, I need to keep them indoors through the winter but want to keep them healthy so they flower next year. How can I mangage the flea/knat investation?
It sounds like fungus gnats. They feed on fungus that grows in the soil and is an indication that you’re keeping the soil too damp for too long. If you have saucers under the plants, never leave tham standing in water…the saucers are just there to protect you shelves and carpets. The plants NEVER need to stand in water. Water less frequently so the surface of the soil can dry out more,. Now that you have the fungus gnats you’ll need some systemic insecticide granules. You’ll put this into the soil and it will kill the gnats and protect the plants for several weeks from and other insects as well. The fungus gnats aren’t eating your plants but keeping then too damp for too long will eventually drown your plants. The will need very little water as the days grow shorter.