Hi, I have strawberry plants and some of the strawberries near the ground are rotted or don’t grow! Any suggestions on what I can do?Also my tomatoe plants have some type of disease, the branches and leaves turn yellow then brown and die! The plants have tomatoes but not many! What can I do now? What can I do to rid the soil of the disease?THANKS!

You can place straw under the berries to keep them from coming in contact with the soil so they don’t rot.  This is so commonly done that that is the reason they are called “strawberries”.

Tomatoes are prone to several diseases.  The spores for these diseases general get their start from soil splashing up when rain falls.  I use black plastic to cover the soil below the plants and stake them up to keep most of the leaves above the soil.  Also, NEVER spray the plants with water…disease love wet leaves so, if you’re spray watering, you are making the situation MUCH worse.  More on that HERE.  Since these disease can remain in the soil from year to year, you shouldn’t plant your tomatoes in the same place every year.  Rotate them around the garden so that they won’t be planted in this spot they are in now until the year after next.

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