Hi Peter! This is a wonderful service that you’re providing to our community – thank you for this :). I have 2 questions for you. I purchased male and female holly bushes last fall (from Hewitt’s of course). They wintered well, but I notice that there are some leaves around the tops that are discolored – tanish-brown. I’m concerned they got burnt. My question if they should dry up and fall off, will new leaves grow back in their place (sounds ignorant I know – but I’ve seen some pretty sparse hollies around!) Also, we are redoing our front landscaping and I’d like to see some kind of evergreens positioned in front of our very large picture window. Can you recommend something that wont grow too tall? I’m not talented in pruning and shaping.

It is pretty common for hollies to suffer a little wind burn over winter…especially one as had as we just finished.  Wait and see what grows in the next couple of weeks then trim off any dead leaves and stems…it will put out new growth as the weather warms…this would be a good time to scratch some Holly-Tone food into the soil to give it some breakfast after the long, abusive winter.

As far as your planting there are low growing azalaeas and junipers that won’t block the windows.  Bring a picture with you to the nursery and they can show you the possibilities.

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