How much bio tone starter should I put on a 12′ rose of Sharon bush?

Here’s a link to the label and rates of application.  It sounds like this is a plant that is already in the ground.  In that case, I’d pound 8-9 holes into the ground around the Althea (Rose of Sharon).  These holes should be out, away from the trunk about the same distance as the outermost branch tip (also known as the drip line of the plant).  Divide 6 cups or so of the Bio-Tone between the holes.  Pour the Bio-Tone into the holes filling them about 2/3 full and poke the holes shut.  Scattering Bio-Tone on the surface doesn’t work well since the microbes and beneficial fngi die left on the surface and the weeds get most of the nutrients.  Get the Bio-Tone into the soil where the roots of the Althea are.

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