I have a hydrangea that was planted and flowered a bit and the moved to the front of my house at the appropriate time. I believe that it is dead because it looks like straw and nothing has happened since it was moved. I am all for digging it up and planting new ones, but my husband thinks it will revive somehow. Any ideas? Also, my husband wants to plant a small veg garden and we have an area all set up. It doesn’t get a whole lot of sun. What will grow best?

I have a hydrangea that was planted and flowered a bit and the moved to the front of my house at the appropriate time.  I believe that it is dead because it looks like straw and nothing has happened since it was moved.  I am all for digging it up and planting new ones, but my husband thinks it will revive somehow.

5/22   If you don’t see any signs of growth from the ground in the next couple of weeks then you can assume it is dead.


Any ideas?  Also, my husband wants to plant a small veg garden and we have an area all set up.  It doesn’t get a whole lot of sun.  What will grow best

The best bets in a shady vegetable garden will leafy greens like lettuce, spinach and Swiss chard.  Green beans and peas would also do OK.  Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and the large fruiting tropical veggies will struggle to produce much fruit though they will grow in shade.  Most veggies really need 8 hours of direct sun  per day to thrive.

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