I have a problem with my blueberries this year. Most of the bushes have been in the ground over ten years. The fruit is very soft/mushy and falling off the bushes. I did notice some very tiny red spots on the underside of some leaves. Is this some sort of fungus? What can I do to save the bushes. Most of the berries are a lost cause this year. I will salvage what I can. Also what is a good mulch around the bushes. I had been putting pine needles down for years, but my source (an old pine tree) has been cut down. After the berry season, I usually weed thoroughly before winter sets in. Thank you for any advice you can give me.My email address is; kathyc@ptcconnect.net

There a number of blueberry disease that can cause the symptoms you describe.  HERE’S A LINK to a page that will help you determine what is happening.  I suspect that it is more than one thing.  The wet growing season this year has been causing all kinds of problems for plants.    Since blueberries like a slightly acidic soil, pine bark mulch would be a good option.  Make sure to use bark mulch as opposed to wood chip mulch.   http://extension.missouri.edu/blueberry/documents/Shared_Documents/MOBBSchool/MOBBSchoolConf12/SchilderOverviewBlueberryDisease10_19_12.pdf

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