Great…sandy soil is a great base for gardening. Make sure the area is sunny…7+ hours of sun per minimum during June. More sun is even better. To beef up the soil, you’ll want to add compost. You can buy that at the garden center this year but I’d suggest starting a compost bin so you can recycle your garden and kitchen scraps into your own compost. For the best result’s I’d turn in some organic Espoma Bio-Tone food into the area. Bio-Tone will provide a with lots of great organic nutrients. Best of all it will supercharge the soil with microbe and mycorrhizal fungi. These microbe work with the roots of the plant to gather the nutrients that the plants need from the soil…amazing stuff! These microbes live on and spread from year to year so adding them can really enhance your garden’s health and productivity. More on Bio-Tone HERE More on mycorrhizal fungi HERE.