I have ‘creeping charlie’ throughout my lawn- first time ever. Is there a way to get rid of it? Too much to pull out.I’m ready to ‘weed and feed’ for dandelions. Will that take care of charlie?Thanks,Judi KozlowskiMelrose, NY

Weed and feed works well against dandelions and other “single weeds but a vine like Creeping Charlie requires a stronger liquid weed killer like Bonide Chickweed and Clover Killer.  This needs to be sprayed on the leaves of the weeds (it will kill dandelions as well) when night temperatures are 45° or higher and when rain isn’t expected for at least 24 hours…the longer the better.  Weed killer enters the plant through the leaves.   Creeping Charlie will probably take a couple of application to kill and regular applications to keep it a bay in the coming years.

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