I have many house plants. Some time ago noticed small gnats (like fruit flies) around the plants. I tried the sand thing, putting at least 1/2 inch of sand over the top of the dirtand bought a larvacide spray, tried the apple cider vinegar and dish soap. I do remove all decayed leaves. HELP, I don’t want to lose my plants. What can I do?

It sounds like fungus gnats which mostly feed on fungus growing in the soil although they may also feed on the rotting roots of plants.  They are generally an indication that your are keeping the plants too moist.  As the days get shorter, you’ll want to water much less since the plants are slowing down.  I suggest some Bonide Bon-Neem 2, and organic insect spray that will kill them quickly.  You could also use it as a soil drench to kill them.  Let then dry out more between watering though, to prevent their return.

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