I just watched your segment on CBS6 News. I don’t know where forsythia grow where I live, so I can’t tell if they haven’t bloomed yet, or if there just aren’t any. You said there’s no rush with the crabgrass preventer, but next week there are several 70 degree days forecast. Wouldn’t this weekend or early next week be a good time for it, then? Our lawn had more crabgrass than grass last summer, and I’d certainly like to improve on that.
Crabgrass preventer can still control crabgrass that has sprouted and up to the point that it as grown 3 blades so putting it on a little late is better than too early. I prefer to watch for the very first flowers of the lilacs and apply the crabgrass preventer then. The warm weather next will will warm the soil a bit but then it is going to cool down again. I’d suggest waiting until next weekend rather than this weekend. The weather is different every year and the timing must change with the weather. Perhaps you could plant a lilac so you’ll have your own timer.