I purchased a dozen 5-6′ emerald arborvitae from your store two weeks ago today, and planted them two days later as per the instructions. They have been watered at the base everyday except for rainy days, of which there has been several. Today I noticed a small section across a few branches on one of the trees that had turned black. Any idea what this could be and how to correct it?

It has been a very wet spring…water them enough to keep the soil cool and moist but not soggy wet.  Also make sure that you didn’t bury them too deep when you planted them or piled mulch up against the bark.  get under there and brush away any bark mulch or soil until you see original soil that the plant came in and keep it that way.  Piling soil or mulch against the bark slowly strangles the plant.  More on that HERE.  Trim away any of the discolored foliage.

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