I’m a first time gardener. I purchased a raised bed garden and I want to plant some veggies, as cabbage, collards, tomatoes, Kale.. the bed is 5.5″H x 71″w x 35″ D. I was going to pull up grass in my yard measuring that size and place the bed on top, Idon’t know if that will be good, or if I should put a cloth/tarp covering (don’t know what it is called) down on the grass then pour the soil on top. Not sure which way I should do it…and should I use dirt and mulch? I was reading about Miracle Gro Organic Soil that is good soil..please help. My email is . Thank you. Bonita

I’d just put a layer of cardboard or brown paper down on top of the grass. It will last long enough to smother the grass then decompose. I’m attaching a list of out soils. I’ve never been too inpressed with the M-Gro soils to be honest. Check out the Fox Farm Soils…the K-( cube is a compress bale so is a good option. I’d also suggest getting a small bag of Espoma Bio-Tone to add organic nutrients and beneficial soil organisms to jump start the soil.

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