I’m trying to get grass to grow in the area of my yard where my dogs come and go. While I don’t expect a beautiful lawn, it’s almost completely mud and sand since the entire area was dug up 2 years ago to get my septic system replaced. So, whenever it rains, I end up with mud and sand tracked throughout the house. The area is 20′ X 40′. Any relatively cheap suggestions as to how I can get some grass to grow there? — What type of soil should I lay, what kind of grass seed, and how to protect that seed from the dogs running over it AND to protect it from the pooling that always comes when it rains — I’m always cleaning out mounds of pine needles that swirl around in the puddles that form because the area doesn’t drain. Because this is the “dog yard,” I can’t use chemicals or fertilizers that could hurt the dogs. Thank you!

There’s no easy or cheap solution…you need to get grass growing in the area and this is the season to get it done. While you’re getting the lawn up and established, the dogs will need to stay off the area. Lawn food will not harm the dogs. Here’s a link that will walk you through the process of starting as lawn from seed. Our Super Sandy grass blend would be the most durable once it is established. https://blog.timesunion.com/gardening/starting-a-lawn-from-seed-its-time-to-get-crackin-2/7452/

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