I’m trying to grow a lawn . It’s completely over grown with crabgrass. Real sandy soil . Can I put down a pre-emergent to stem the crabgrass and cover with turf grade solid and then start dead on top ? I’ve seen ads for a Scott’s turf builder that boasts that it prevent crabgrass and fertilizes at the same time . I was under the understanding that crabgrass and regular grass thrive on the same contusions . Please help .

I don’t quite understand your question but, you can get a crabgrass preventer that will prevent crabgrass but not prevent turf grasses like ryegrass, fescue and bluegrass from sprouting.  Ask for “the crabgrass preventer for newly seeded lawns”.  Regular crabgrass preventer will prevent all the seed from sprouting so it can’t be used on a freshly seeded lawn.  I’d suggest that you use our “Sandy” grass seed blend.  It is made up of grasses that thrive in sand.

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