Last fall I transplanted 10 rose of Sharon trees. They were all about 2 years old. It appears they survived the winter. Some appear to be alive but are not yet putting out green leaves while others are just starting to sprout. How long should they take to come back? Should we cut the branches that appear to have no growth since most new growth is at the bottomNg

I’d wait a little longer.  Althea leaf out very late and even later this year with the cold spring we’ve been having.  In a couple of weeks, cut them back to where you see new growth.  You can expect them to have some dieback from the shock of transplanting.  Poke some holes 8″ deep in the ground where you cut into the soil to dig the holes when you planted them.  Fill the holes about 2/3 of the way with Espoma Flower-Tone to feed them if you haven’t already.

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