I’m hoping this note gets to someone who can help me with my amaryllis. This is the first year I’ve tried to nurse a bulb along to bloom for a 2nd year.  I thought I’ve done everything right.  It was outside all summer collecting nutrients.  I stopped feeling it in August and stopped watering it on Oct. 1st.  The leaves have been turning yellow and I’ve been trimming them off.  Today, I removed the last two yellow leaves to move it to 6 weeks of cool, dark dormancy.  BUT I SEE A NEW LEAF (about an inch) COMING OUT OF THE BULB.  That was a bit of a curveball!  I put it in a paper bag in a cool, dark place BUT WHAT ABOUT THAT NEW LITTLE LEAF???

I will be grateful for any help.

Peter Bowden Answered question October 18, 2023

Don’t worry about the new leaf.  Keep it dryand cool for about 10 weeks (or longer if you wish) or so and then pot it up and water it to get it started again.

Peter Bowden Answered question October 18, 2023
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