1. The leaves all have what looks like worm holes on them now. I sprayed but something appears to have taken over the plant making it looked severely diseased. Should I cut it down to the base with hopes it will regrow this year or is it to late?
  2. I have a picture but this site won’t allow me to add.
Peter Bowden Answered question June 25, 2021

I’d remove all the sickly looking leaves and soak the soil weekly with Jack’s Blossom Booster soluble plant food.  You can bring in the leaves for one of our managers to look at to suggest the appropriate spray.  When you water and feed it, make sure to water only the soil.  NEVER spray the leaves with water, just wet the soil.  Wet roses are an unhealthy situation.  Don’t cut it to the base…it can recover quickly with proper care.

Peter Bowden Answered question June 25, 2021

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