Pete or anyone that can help me from losing all my moneyHow to keep rabbits , deer’s or whatever else is out there from eating my day lilies , hosta , hydrea, etc, What kind of animals besides these two eat everything.10,000.00 in landscape and all I’m doing is feeding animals with my hard earned bucks.I’ve tried coyote urine, Deer Be Gone.Have not tried the Deer Fence product. How would that be applied around perimeter of garden – my garden is plants and shrubs no vegtables. How do you all keep these pests from eating all ur plants.Also what are the best scrubs and plants to replace these plants I had planted last summer with that will for sure not be eaten by animals.Please help

Here’s a list of some deer resistant plant options for you.




That said, it is possible to repel the critters that are assaulting your landscape.  I use Bonide Repels-All which is a combination of different organic ingredients that repels a wide range of animal pests.  It can be used on anything but edible food crops.  The trick with repellents is to spray the plants early in the season and frequently at first so the animals come to associate the area with “nothing here smells or tastes good”.   With all the rain so far this year, this has been difficult since the heavy rainstorms wash the repellents off.    I’d start in right away again and follow the directions on the label.  Remember, you spray the plants, not so much a “perimeter” around the area.   Repels-All comes in a concentrate if you have your own tank sprayer.  The hose-end sprayer is a nice option if you hose can reach everywhere in the yard.  The little hand pump ready to use is useless over a large area…you want to soak the leaves and stems of the plants down with the repellent for it to do the job you need it to.


Peter B


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