Peter, Our yard and basement are being overtaken by chipmunks, HELP! They live all throughout our rock-wall and basement, eat our herbs and vegetables from the garden, and wake us up with their loud bird-like mating calls. What can we do to get rid of them? Is the only option a legitimate exterminator? Thanks, Autumn Ciepiela

I’d suggest Mole-Max for driving them out of the soil where they are burrowing.  It comes in a liguid spray or granules.  Water in after application as per the directions and any rodent will no tolerate that soil.  I’d also spray the plants and area above the soil with Repels-All repellent.  The chipmunks won’t be able to tolerate the smell the soil or the area above.  The ones in the basement will have to be trapped or killed with a mouse or rat trap.

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