There is a very coarse blade weedy grass, similar to crabgrass in texture that is taking over our lawn in Greenfield Center. This weed doesn’t grow in a clump, like crabgrass. It’s like single blades of grass, that flop/curve downwards. It is growing in full sun. I have photos, but there is no mechanism to upload. What do you think it could be? Thanks, Susan

It sounds like you might have nut sedge. It can be difficult to control. It thrives in poor soil that doesn’t dry out well or a lawn that is getting too much water possibly from a sprinkler system that runs too frequently, which encourages the nut sedge. Keeping the lawn taller and drier also helps the turf grasses compete with the sedge since the “low mow” is rough on the desirable turf grasses. Set your mower to its highest setting as long as it is hot and dry. We de sell a nut sedge killer but it will take repeated applications to gain the upper hand.

Here’s some more info on nut sedge: http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/gardens-gardening/your-garden/help-for-the-home-gardener/advice-tips-resources/pests-and-problems/weeds/yellow-nutsedge.aspx

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