thuja green giant arborvitae are brown please helpWe planted 23 of these 3 years ago (6-10 feet tall now)and at the end of each Winter into Spring the trees are turning brown. This year is the worst year so far. The trees are alive and show new growth but there is a lot of damage. What do I need to do to keep them green all year?My email is ronvf@yahoo.comThank you

There is a lot of this happening due to the warm winter followed by the freak freeze in April.  They can recover pretty quickly since the root system is undamaged.   Tree-tone granular plant food should be put into the soil.  You can pound holes among the arbs and pour the food into them…that works fine.  It is always good to remove the dead foliage since that will allow sunlight to penetrate and help along new growth to help them fill back in.


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