We want to plant Elderberry bushes as property borders this year. Do we need to special order them? When is the time to plant them in Queensbury? We have sandy soil…how should we prepare soil and choose type of plant? Thank you.

We sell Black Lace Elderberry, an ornamental variety. We don’t do special orders since we have to order truckloads at a time.  The best time to plant would be Early May.  Elderberry would like plenty of sun…8 hours minimum.  Sandy soil is great since it drains well.  Mix a lots of compost or other organic matter into the planting holes as well a a good starter food like Espoma Bio-Tone.  Keep well watered for the entire first season.  Here’s a great link to a page about the care of the Black Lace Elderberry:  http://homeguides.sfgate.com/care-black-lace-elderberries-26750.html

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