Hi Peter!

i was wondering what you would suggest we do for over wintering our potted boxwood topiaires- they have started to “bronze” already and I am afraid I have missed my shot at bringing them inside, though I am not sure if that’s even the recommendation. Some things I have read say they should stay outside to go dormant but that may be for milder growing zones…
What do you think?

Thank you!

Peter Bowden Answered question November 20, 2023

You need to find a sheltered place that is protected form the north and west wind.  If the pots are ceramic, they will shatter outside over winter.  You’ll basically need to plant them in the ground to survive winter.  You could half-plant them and then cover the top of the root ball with mulch like cedar mulch up to the top off the root ball.  You can add added protection by wrapping them in burlap to block even more of the drying winter wind.  They need to be outside to get the cold dormant period they need.  If they are left above the soil, repeated freeze/thaw cycles will bring them in and out of dormancy which will be fatal.  Hardy plants grown in containers are always problematic.

Peter Bowden Answered question November 20, 2023
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